
The artisan micro-bakery and coffee shop on Whiteladies Road are now cooking their outrageously good food in the Merrychef.

Merrychef At Bakesmiths

When we are out on the road installing ovens like the Merrychef E2S we see all sorts of shops. Occasionally though you get to go to a shop and know it is really special as soon as you walk through the door. Bakesmiths, in the central student area of Whiteladies Road in Bristol is one of those shops.

The owners opened the site in Spring 2016, having been in the industry for over 10 years. The retail arm of the business supplies premium handmade cakes and traybakes to coffeeshops throughout the country. With Bakesmiths, the team now have the perfect shop to showcase their products.

The Merrychef E2S

Probably more so than most coffee shops, food is on an equal footing with the coffee. The need to keep up with growing demand has turned Bakesmiths towards the Merrychef E2S. Quite rightly the majority of the counter space is dedicated to a great food display and an oven shouldn’t be detracting from that.

As the Merrychef is just 350mm wide it is sitting discretely in place. Bakesmiths opted for the black ‘trend’ version. One of the key features is a flat back panel on the rear. Whilst most ovens have fans and plugs on the rear, the ‘trend’ version of the E2S can incorporate an A4 clip frame for advertising.

Furthermore, because of the a built in catalytic converter, the oven will not require any extraction. All smoke and smells are removed. The oven is also very easy to clean. Merrychef have very conveniently created a video to guide you through the cleaning – here.

In addition to that there are 2 other features of the Merrychef E2S that we really like. Firstly, the oven will not give off much heat. It is well insulated and that makes a big difference to working conditions in the summer! Secondly, the oven runs almost silently. Nothing would be more off putting to a customer trying to relax with a coffee than a loud oven!