Whenever we do a trade show the product that passing customers are most mystified by is always the FryMac. Most seem to think it is a laser printer (admittedly it does have a look of one…). However when we open the top of it and pour the chips in, everybody waits the 2 minutes the […]
Whenever we do a trade show the product that passing customers are most mystified by is always the FryMac. Most seem to think it is a laser printer (admittedly it does have a look of one…). However when we open the top of it and pour the chips in, everybody waits the 2 minutes the chips take to cook to see what they taste like. The comment we get the most is “it tastes of potato”, as if people have forgotten that chips come from the humble spud!
Indeed quality chips are an integral part to the vast majority of menus and the FryMac can be relied on for that; but at £2699 it is much more expensive than a traditional table top fryer. So the question is why should you consider one?
1) A reduced insurance premium
Insurers are a savvy bunch are well aware of the dangers than frying with oil can pose and unfortunately every so often a fryer can catch fire. Less risk equals lower annual insurance premium. Next time you are getting a quote, ask what the price would be without a fryer – you may be surprised.
2) ‘That’ smell
Does the phrase ‘greasy spoon’ come from the type of food or from the smell smell you get from the moment you walk through the door of certain establishments? We have spoken to many cafes (and interestingly tea rooms) who’ve expressed a wish to sell chips but don’t want to bombard their customers with the lingering smell of oil.
3) Extraction free cooking
If the only reason you have extraction is for your fryers the FryMac could liberate your kitchen. More importantly when was the last time you checked your electricity bill to see how much your extraction canopy is costing to run?
4) Healthier Chips
Instead of oil, the FryMac uses 3000KW of halogen light to quickly the cook the chips. Because there is no oil, the fat content of ‘skinny’ fries is typically around 10% and only 5% on steak fries (Interestingly our FryMac customers tell us the skinny fries outsell the steak fries by almost 9 to 1)
If you would like to see the FryMac in action, we shall be cooking off portions of fries at The Lunch! Show on the 21st and 22nd September. You can register to attend here: http://www.lunchshow.co.uk